Because Heidi Powell is well-known in the fitness industry, she was able to learn about Jacqueline’s journey of losing 170 kg on her own.
Heidi chose to tell us this tale on her blog since she was so impressed by it. She aimed to demonstrate to us that, with enough determination, anything is achievable.
Jacqueline Adan battled obesity her whole life, making her feel embarrassed to leave the house or engage in particular activities. She ate more the more agitated she felt.
Over time, she tried a variety of diets, but none of them proved to be helpful. Food was Jacqueline’s constant concern and she was constantly on a diet. She made the decision to give up eating habits and strive to live a similar life to people around her when she attended college.
Her sister Jenny and boyfriend Kevin both wanted to visit Disneyland one day. Although Jacqueline adored Disneyland and was eager to visit, her expectations were not met by the actual experience.

She was so feeble that she had to rent a wheelchair in order to walk the short distance to the front gate. Her weight had made it nearly impossible for Jacqueline to walk.
She felt embarrassed by the way people saw her and seemed to be judging her since she is so overweight that she is unable to walk alone. She used a wheelchair to travel to Disneyland.
Jacqueline was embarrassed! Also, her weight prevented her from engaging in any park activities.
She was overcome with emotions after leaving the park, including disbelief, humiliation, shame, and fury. She was astounded that she had just let herself become involved in this predicament.
Nothing will be able to reverse Jacqueline’s resolve to make a shift in her life after turning 25 in February 2021. Calling Jenny Craig was her choice. Although she was certain she could accomplish this goal, she discovered there that she needed to shed 300 pounds.

She felt overwhelmed leaving the office, but she wasn’t going to give up on her goals.
She was able to drop 100 pounds in the first year with Jenny Craig’s support and encouragement. She travelled with her friends and family as well.
She had already crossed the halfway point in August 2013. After that, she went back to Disneyland with Jenny, Kevin, and her cousins. Because Jacqueline could fit on every ride this time, the experience was entirely different. This increased her self-assurance and resolve to reach her objectives and never let her weight to prevent her from fully appreciating life.
Before Christmas, Jacqueline made one more trip to Disneyland, after which Kevin proposed to her. Disneyland had turned into the place where dreams come true, and she was happier than ever.

Her life had changed since a few years prior. She had already shed two hundred pounds and was engaged. When Jacqueline reached her ideal weight, she made the decision to be married. But at the start of 2014, Jacqueline felt that she was not losing weight the way she wanted to and that she was barely able to eat. Despite this, she made an effort to persuade herself that eating does not automatically result in weight gain. Luckily, she was able to find the correct road rather fast.
She began working out at “Fit For Life Solutions” in 2015, and she found the trainers to be quite helpful.
Jacqueline saw that as a result of exercising, the inches were also getting smaller in addition to the scale. At last, she began to notice some distinct muscular definition!
Jacqueline continues to eat Jenny Craig meals and attends training four or five times a week. Even if the weight on the scale hasn’t changed in six months, there have been noticeable bodily improvements.

Although she is pleased that she was able to reduce her weight, she is currently finding it difficult to deal with the extra skin that was left over following this procedure. She is attempting to get reimbursed by her insurance company for the surgery that removed the extra skin, but they are categorising it as cosmetic.
After undergoing her initial skin removal procedure, Jacqueline has made an effort to reduce her stress levels and concentrate instead on her recuperation. She will undoubtedly find a solution to her issues in the future.
Though her adventure is far from complete, Jacqueline is eager to discover what lies ahead. She is relieved that she can now enjoy her life and is no longer ashamed of who she is.
She is no longer concerned that her weight will prevent her from participating in activities with her family or friends or that she will use a wheelchair to get around.